
When: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Where: Fareground Austin - 111 Congress Ave., Austin, Texas
Time: 11:30am CST

SXSW will be in full swing next week and if you are downtown during the lunch hour on TUESDAY 3/11, come hang out and let’s have lunch together at Fareground!Come and go as you please. No RSVP required - just let Chi Reece know so she can grab a table for enough people! Hope to see some of you next Tuesday!

This is an informal AAABA meetup that will occur on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. The next lunch will be in East Austin on April 8, 2025, with location TBD. For any questions or suggestions, please contact Chi Reece!

Totally Tuesday - Downtown Lunch Meetup
AYLA Diversity Bar Mixer CLE and Happy Hour

When: Thursday, March 27, 2025
Where: CLE at Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody - 401 Congress Ave. # 2700, Austin, Texas

** Followed by a Happy Hour at Vince Young Steakhouse - 301 San Jacinto Blvd, Austin, Texas
Time: 3:30-7pm CST

Please join AYLA on Thursday, March 27, 2025 for the Diversity Bar Mixer. This annual event includes attorneys from across Austin’s largest women and minority bar organizations for a night of fellowship and philanthropy with Rudy Metayer as moderator.

Participating organizations: Austin Asian American Bar Association, Austin LGBTQ+ Bar Association, Austin Black Lawyers Association, Hispanic Bar Association, South Asian Bar Association of Austin, Austin Young Lawyers Association, Austin Bar Association, and Travis County Women Lawyers Association.

APIS in Dallas, Texas

When: April 11-12, 2025
Where: Fairmont Dallas - 1717 N. Akard Street, Dallas, Texas 75201

Reminder: Don't forget to register for the 27th Annual APIS Conference in Dallas, TX on 4/11-4/12! Go for a weekend of CLEs and "Celebrating Success" with colleagues all across Texas. Don't miss Albert Li moderating the Fireside Chat with Fortune 1000 General Counsel on the evening of Saturday, April 12 - the panel will include Michele Lau of McKesson Corp., Vaishali Bhatia of ATI Inc., and Jeannie Lee of Digital Realty Trust.

Register today at

Fairmont Dallas hotel block available: